1. Order ID
This is the ID of the order. Order IDs serve as the best and easiest way to identify orders especially when there are multiple orders for the same vehicle or the same or similar customer names. Be sure to use order IDs to always identify orders to avoid any possible confusion.
2. Customer
The customer column simply shows the name of the customer of the order.
3. Vehicle
The vehicle columns refers to the desired vehicle of the customer. In addition, it also showcases the year/year range and color of the customer’s desired vehicle request. It will often be used as the title of the order and throughout the life-cycle of the order as well.
4. Price
The price of the order will be the average price from “Our Results”. The reason for this is because if we find multiple vehicles for the order, each vehicle could most likely have 3 different prices and so the average price from “Our Results” will be the only price that would make sense to show.
5. Order Status
The Order Status column is one of the most important columns as it is the direct indicator of the current stage of the order life-cycle. [See Admin Order life-cycle]
6. Finance Status
Similar to the order status, the finance status indicates the different stages of the finance application of an order if the customer chose financing as their method of payment.
7. Purchase Type
The purchase type indicates whether an order will be purchased for a business or as a personal purchase.
8. Vehicle Options
The vehicle options icon, if clicked, will take admins to the vehicle options page where they’ll be able to create, edit and delete vehicle listings, and select when an order’s vehicle option(s) are ready for review by the customer.
9. Messages
The messages icon on the Order Management page, is where admins can communicate with a customer and viceversa about their order in full detail.